animated and comprehensible

Industrial Athlete

The biomechanical measuring system INDUSTRIAL ATHLETE, developed by biomechanics and software engineers, combines modern inertial sensors, biomechanical models and load weights. Wearable over the workwear, the Motion Capture System enables ergonomic analysis directly at work or via VR glasses on the CAD model of your work environment. The evaluation software provides a real-time assessment of postures, movements and physical load (according to DIN, ISO, etc.) and displays them as biofeedback using a 3D avatar and animated body symbols.

The current occupational and biomechanical evaluation criteria of the German Social Accident Insurance are used (DGUV Information 208-033). On the basis of the measurement data, risk assessments can be compiled and statements made about necessary measures for ergonomic workplace design, compliance with physiological stress limits and prevention of occupational health hazards. For documentation and further processing, it is possible to export the recordings as video (Full HD), data table (csv) and analysis report.

Industrial Athlete

Workplace Analysis

Industrial Athlete

Product features


  • 21 load parameters and avatar display
  • Identification of (hidden) health risks
  • Biofeedback according to DGUV traffic light (DIN/ISO)
  • Real-time stress analysis
  • 3D-Grasp Space visualization
  • STAtic/DYNamic shoulder load
  • Load input with left/right assignment
  • Lumbar disc compression calculation
  • Distance and timer display
  • Avatar/video overlay with motion tracking
  • Exoskeleton and CAD workstation simulation
  • CSV raw data and full HD video export
  • Configurable GUI layout
  • Freedom of movement with wireless sensor technology (XSENS)
  • Language selection (12 languages currently available)
  • Product ergonomics and certification


  • Result overview via load map
  • Quick analysis for 6 body regions and 3 load types
  • Evaluation according to international standards (DIN, EN, NIOSH)
  • Local and global stress score
  • Mainz-Dortmund dose model
  • Key Indicator Method LHC
  • External RULA evaluation
  • Cumulative dose calculation
  • Extrapolable to daily working time
  • Individual threshold adjustment
  • Color coding of risk levels
  • Individual layout design
  • Ready-to-print formatting

Industrial Athlete

Load parameter

The selection, position and size of the parameter boxes is variable and can be adapted to the respective work and load-specific requirements. Up to four individual configurations can be saved as a template. The parameters are evaluated according to the traffic light scheme on the basis of the currently valid DGUV guidelines (DGUV Information 208-033).